Last week was a whirlwind of a week…
two different friends home from away
and lots of time spent
adventuring and exploring
and reminiscing and
so much laughing.
There was ice cream (multiple times)
and fall drives,
horses, black bogs, and lighthouses…
cake for breakfast,
cedar’s eatery and
starlite diner…
There was even a little
mushroom-y village
that made us very happy to find…
And the weekend was topped off
with a visit to my parents for Thanksgiving
where almost everyone was able to make it
(missed Kiki & J)
and it was so great to see the kids
and reconnect in a big rowdy way…
I took zero pictures that day
because I just wanted to be
in the moment…♥
It was a fantastic week
but the truth is
I am not used to
being quite so social….
it takes more out of me
than I realized…
this week will be all
about rest and recovery
and maybe a stolen nap
or three…
but I wouldn’t have
changed a thing about
last week….
I’d do it all over again if I could.