i never get tired of fridays!! :)

friday i'm in love!

today's friday i'm in love could also be called
cause...i want. 
and when you have no money,
you may as well dream big
and PRETEND you have money....
(it only hurts when the realization sits in...)
(but just for a minute)
(as long you go right back to pretending again heeheehee)

so...friday i'm love brings you friday i want::::

  • to eat this.  for dessert.  for breakfast.  for supper. 
  • to contain my life in this...i would love it and hug it and fill it will promises and minion stickers and glittery hearts and little robot sketches.
  • to live this, make it my mantra...write it on my hand, tattoo it on arm...remember it...live it.
  • to own a talent like this...i might have swooned a little....so beautiful!
  • to add this to my collection...along with this...and this....
  • to make pugsley into a pugosaur....what could be better than that.  I challenge you to think of one this that would be better than a pugosaur.
  • to fill my house with the scent of these...
  • to own one of these which would inspire me to use my 3 boxes of 64 crayola crayons!  and the artist lives here in PEI...we're twitter-friends!  i can say that, right, Nadine?  we're twitter-friends, right?  and instagram-buddies!  :)
  • to put at least one (or 5...or 10) of these in my driveway...soooooo cute it hurts my heart.
  • to be able to pick up my pen and write like this...sigh.
  • to go on a road trip....in one of these....i have not been a traveling kinda girl...but since our camping trip last summer, I find myself thinking about it more and more...like a longing for something I didn't know that I missed.
  • sheep.  i want sheep.  and goats.  and maybe a chicken or two.  and a whole pug family.  and a house in the country where 15 can have dirt bikes and half pipes and I can have a tire swing with polka dots or a skateboard swing and a treehouse!! and S can have a garage and 19 can sing until her heart's content....the one stipulation we ALL agree on?  there HAS to be high speed internet.  sad but true.

happy weekend!!

there was a graduation...

3 years ago in June,
my heart nearly stopped
and my life was changed
in many, many ways
but every day, i remember that it could
have been changed in a much worse way.

my husband was involved in a very bad motorcycle accident in 2012
and, although his leg will probably never be the same as it used to be,
it has come a long way and he is alive...
for that alone, i am incredibly grateful.

he was told he can never do construction work again
which was also life altering...
that's what he has done his whole life.

2 years ago, my husband went back to school
to be a computer programmer.
a huge change in directions...one of the oldest in the class,
still dealing with leg issues and physiotherapy and constant pain...
there was a kid in his class
who was in our daughter's grade one class,
who had played at our house as a kid...
which doesn't help you feel young.
plus it was a steep learning curve...like learning a new language,
and he started later than everyone else in the class...
it was definitely a challenge.

Sunday...he graduated.

i am incredibly happy for him and proud of him.... :) :) :)

it's the little things

sometimes...it really is the little things you have to focus on because worrying about the big things that you have no control over will drive you insane.

so today I am stealing 5 minutes in my car to blog and listen to birdsong. 

i am going to make sure I notice the little things...like hugs and happy hellos...like chocolate covered pretzels and a  sunshine-y day...like supper eaten together and giggles and inside jokes.

today I am not going to worry about the big things. 

snapshot saturday 2015: May RoundUp

i haven't posted anything from my daily 365 for the month of may...
so here you go.
it's been a big month for me...
emma's trip, counting crows, starting to "ZenWalk", one last improv night,
the end of the barn.

it's friday!!


  • with the fact that my girl is home from Hamilton...she's full of stories and thinks her ability to attract weird situations (inherited from me) was in overdrive, but she had a great time.  And now, I am just incredibly happy to have both my littles (heh.  not so little but...still...) home under the same roof.  :)
  • warm melty friday night chocolate chip cookies
  • getting a couple of things started today that will feel like weights lifted of our backs when done
  • watched this movie finally and oh. my. gawd.  it made me want to go and pick up my camera right. that. second.  It couldn't have come at a better time as I was feeling kind of down and uncertain about myself and this movie made me feel like it's all right to be a little odd...it's all right to be me.  :)
  • the face that skate 3 and gta 5 have such interesting song playlists.  15 plays both and tonight, I said something I never thought I would say..."are you listening to neil diamond?"  and then he went on to play (and sing) celine dion at the top of his lungs.  i love that he is that comfortable with himself. :)
  • liz lamoureux...30 ways to invite more joy...i love a good list.  And this.  This is a good list.
  • MollyCoddle (Molly Balint) is one of my most favorite bloggers.  Seriously, I never thought that I would be envious of a woman on a farm...but I read her blog and I am all kinds of shades of green.  She just documents it all so beautifully.  And imagine my surprise today when I read that she would like to make the trek to PEI!  Come!  Come to PEI!  You will not regret it!   :)
  • chatbooks and journals and early morning revelations

happy happy friday from here to there...wherever your there is!  :)