A rainy, wet friday
but I’m ok with that.
I cleaned the house this morning
and now I am in fresh pjs
and a hair mask
and monster slippers
eating cinnamon hearts
and listening to
mumford and sons
while puttering around
at the little blue desk.
I know it’s immature
but I am avoiding the news…
I am scared that my brain
won’t know the difference
between the responsibility of
being informed
and the inability to
claw my way out of the
rabbit hole
a person can easily fall into.
I don’t know what to believe…
I don’t know what is true
and what is blatant speculation
and distraction and lie.
I don’t know enough about anything
to feel informed
and what is informed anyway
if what you are being told is
a slant, an agenda, a motive…
I am tired.
So instead, I put the phone out of my reach
and I watch the chickadees outside my window,
I crunch cinnamon hearts between my teeth.
I listen to songwriters and poets and
the pug snoring on the couch.
I stand on the deck
and feel the misty rain on my face
and I breathe deep.
This is where I am today.
💜I absolutely positively fell in love with this house and property and this guy’s mindset.
💜I am hungry for music lately….like literally starving for it. Here is what is on repeat: this one, obsessed with this one, oh….and this one! and thisssssss!
💜I adore the colors in this kitchen…and the whole house really.
💜 cinnamon hearts