i love gray's anatomy.
i love the characters, the storyline,
the music, the writing...
meredith bugs the ever-loving hell out of me
but yang always made me stick around...
and come back for more...even when she went through a wishy-washy phase
but karev & wilson?
i ridiculously
karev & wilson...
if something goes wrong with them,
i may have to stop watching the show.
so it was a no-brainer for me to read
year of yes
by shonda rhimes...
i will admit that 2.5 pages into it,
i might have clapped my hands a little in
happy anticipation
because it was one of those books
that you just KNEW you were going to love
right from the get-go.
i will also admit that,
probably because i was knee deep and drowning
in the play
when i started this book,
i did have a small moment or two of thinking
wait....i should not be reading this...
i, of all people, should probably NOT
be reading something that will encourage me to say
to more things.
but it was still a great book for me...
it is always reassuring to read about other
introverts pushing themselves out of their
comfort zone...and it wasn't all about yes...
some of her "yes's" were actually saying
yes to saying no to something...
i loved her sense of humor
and her words...oh...i love her use of words...
it was a great quick read
that made me want to take notes
and make changes in my own life.
and this has nothing to do with the year of yes...except that i can never say no to taking photos of clementines basking in the sun...