I was going to go to the gym
AND the sauna
(which requires two clothing changes
so that is worthy of all caps).
i was going to dig out the christmas decorations
from that scary place
under the stairs
where no one wants to go.
i was going to clean off the deck
and tidy up the yard
and bake muffins
and buy groceries.
i wore my pajamas all day
while i read new blogs
and got all nostalgic about
how blogging used to be
when i first started...
(in 2005...lonnnng time ago...)
i listened to the same christmas playlist
for 8 hours straight
while i annoyed the cats
trying to get them to sit still
for a picture or 10.
yeah. this made it much easier to use the computer. thanks, casey.
i ate stale day old doughnuts for
breakfast and lunch
and didn't brush my hair.
i made lists of all the things i
was going to do today
then didn't do them....
but the lists are pretty!
i edited some fall photos
instead of taking some new ones...
because that would require
going outside...
and also
getting dressed.
i doodled a little bit
and that was fun...
i can't decide if this needs more color or not...and this is a rotten photo...stupid early sunsets.
and now it's only 4:30
but it's starting to get dark
which means
i will eventually migrate to the couch
and eat popcorn for supper
while watching christmas movies.
the only good thing about it getting dark
this early is that i won't have long to wait
for it to get dark enough for me to
walk to the store in my pajamas
(because really...why change now?)
so i can get some diet coke.
cause you can't have popcorn without diet coke.