I really wanted to go on a
friday adventure
but, sadly, was without a car.
I'll admit...I felt a little pouty about it
when I first got out of bed
and saw that the sun was shining.
I looked out my bedroom window
and could see the sun shining bright through
the ice covered trees.
Ice covered trees?
That I could see from my window?
I jammed on a pair of jeans over my leggings,
threw on some fuzzy socks and purple docs
grabbed my camera and headed out the door
down to the park at the end of my street
and no word of lie...
it was like walking into another dimension...
like something out of a fairy tale.
i am not sure why...but i seem to have developed a slightly crazed looking selfie face.
Twinkly tiny fairy lights EVERYWHERE....
as far as the eye could see
against yellow, reds and greens...
with black branch silhouettes.
I stayed there til my hands were too cold
to shoot anymore and I'm pretty sure
tears were freezing in my eyelashes...
the park was empty...
just me and my camera.
The only sound was the shutter clicking
and the crunching of my boots
through snow that has no footsteps yet.
What a great way to start my weekend.