I have been trying to get back to reading
other people's blogs & online journals
and am always on the lookout for new blood.
I have kept a list of the blogs
that i followed
since I started blogging (over 10 years ago)
and I realize that along the way...
some of those sites are no longer in existence
much less active.
When I first started this little journal,
I had no idea what or why I was doing...
some days, I'd say that's still the case
but I've invested too much time now to give it up!
But I had started at a good time.
Blogs were a thing.
They were popular and active and so much fun.
They were yesterday's instagram...well...technically
I guess Flickr was yesterday's Instagram but you get my drift, right?
And I have heard murmurings online
about how maybe blogging is making a comeback!
(ok...or maybe I am trying to start such a rumor...
but same difference.)
So all this to say...I thought I would share 3 blogs
that I am totally crushing on right now...
How can you immediately not be drawn in
by a blog that is called my giant strawberry...
I mean...doesn't that make your mouth water already?
And then she tells you that when she was a kindergarten kid
she got in trouble for telling stories about the
enormous strawberry in her backyard.
Awwwwwwww! How cute is that!
And she paints and makes lists and what more do you need!
Go check her out!
Kate had me at this sentence: " I’m Kate; a mum, a wife and a career woman who dabbles in many different things and doesn’t necessarily excel at any of them."
This I totally relate to.
And she made a giant paper mache hot air balloon for
a tiny family of mice.
oh. my slightly jealous little heart.
happy blog-hunting!