I don’t think it’s a secret that I usually do my
Friday adventures
not really for any reason, it’s just a thing I like to do.
But a really good friend of mine
was home from away a little while ago
and she bravely agreed to come along on a Friday adventure
with me…
I did warn her that there would be no map,
no plan and, also, no air conditioning in my car…heh…
AND she might have to sign a waiver…
Heehee. :)
We started with the most amazing, delicious
HOMEMADE raspberry flakie that was literally mouthwatering…
this photo does it NO justice at all but if you are interested
in buying some of these, let me know and I will
totally hook you up with my dealer…heehee
We decided to go west
because, honestly, that’s where most of the dairy bars are…
we stopped at wharves and beaches and lighthouses…
(&…all these photos are with my phone…so meh…but still had to share them…
heehee…what’s a blog post without photos?)
We went all the way to North Cape
to see the windmills….I had been there before
but I had never tried the trail before…
I wish we would have had more time to do the whole thing
because it was beautiful!
but…it was also looking like thunder
and I did NOT want to be around all that metal
if there was going to be lightning!
it was very windy….hahahaha
Our last stop was at
Southside Scoop Shack in O’Leary…
the best way to finish your day
is with ice cream…
I had the apple pie sundae
and the truth is
i did get us lost and, for a second, i thought
maybe we might be getting shot at
for trespassing on a beach
(skeet shooting close by, I think…or at least,
that’s what I told Ange…heehee)
and we had no air conditioning
but we did have a lot of laughs,
sang along to some loud 80’s music
and reconnected…
and the waiver was never mentioned again.
all in all, a successful friday adventure!