I am not sure that this is
really a
direction for me…
but I am definitely
leaning into it hard
right now.
slow living.
living with intention.
whatever you would like to call it,
it is my new happy place.
I am taking life slow
and really trying to savor
all the small moments…
and experience all the things,
from the most mundane dish washing tasks
to the bracing icy cold showers
I have been attempting to add to my day.
I have been watching a lot of Andrew Huberman
on youtube…
and trying to incorporate some of what
he talks about into my daily routine…
(hence the cold showers)
but also getting out into the sun in the mornings,
trying to catch the sunset (while getting in a walk),
yoga nidra (which I just tried today and LOVED)…
proof of a sunset walk….
And at the same time,
I am really trying to embrace my life.
I am working on things -
my house, my career, my health,
my relationships with family & friends
and making sure I fit in the fun creative stuff, too.
(like crochet WHICH I AM ADDICTED TO
even though I still kinda suck) :)
There are so many things that make me happy right now.
The heat pump making my living room so toasty,
fuzzy socks, silky pjs, ice cold water (in a glass, not in the shower),
a quick evening walk in the rain, lilacs in a jar of water,
talking to the plants, watching the Office with 27,
trips to the dollar store and finding the cutest pillow case ever,
doing the 30 day declutter challenge with friends and making this
area a little less stressy (poor girl fix, heh).
This feels good.
For a little while, I was feeling
out of sorts…wrinkles, weight gain, strike, money and stuff…
but I feel like I have settled a bit.
I have found a bit of a groove.
And I like it. I think I am gonna stay here for a while.