I went through a bit of a
reading slump
in January…
well….let’s be honest…
I went through a bit of a
life slump
in January in some ways.
Winter can do that to a person.
3 books complete in January…
one was an audio book:
When the Body Says No - Gabor Mate
To be honest, this was not really what I thought
it was going to be…or maybe
what I wanted it to be.
I wanted reassurance that yes, stress can cause these things
but if you do these things, you can avoid the diseases
that stress may cause….
but instead the book caused me stress
because they seemed to indicate that
you could have had stresses outside of your control
that may have already
started you down the path to disease.
How is that fair or reasonable??? Sigh.Fitter, Calmer, Stronger - Ellie Goulding
♥♥♥ - audiobook
This was ok…nothing really revolutionary.
Apparently she is a famous musician
but….I didn’t know that when I picked the book. 🤷♀️(oh wait…she did this song! I didn’t know that.)
Holiday Romance - Catherine Walsh
I liked this more than I had expected to.
A fun rom-com kinda lighthearted book.
NEXT UP: Outlive (Peter Attia); I Let You Go (Clare MacIntosh) and The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue (VE Schwab) (and maybe even more if my reading slump is really over!! :)