it has been a while since i have
been able to get to this page...
not that i haven't thought about it.
but some time before christmas,
i took a deep breath and a chance
to try something i had never
done before...
i auditioned for a play.
and i got a part.
the funny thing was i read for two parts...
one was a bit of a panicky/anxiety-ridden girl
and the other was a "girl from away"
who was calm, poised, confident
and...kind of self absorbed/stressed/a little snarky...
i immediately thought
i AM panicky/anxiety girl
and was surprised when they are alice.
this is the dressing room...crazy eyed with butterflies and feelings of what the hell have you gotten yourself into!
the play opened last night
with what felt like great success...
laughter in all the right places
and you could tell the audience was connecting the dots
of the's a feeling i can't really
explain...but it was pretty damn exciting.
but that's not to say that i wasn't stressed out
up until this point.
almost every thing about doing this
pushed me so far out of my comfort zone...
i am not good with change, especially fast change
and there is a lot of that...
I like things to be black and white...
to be sure of what I am supposed to do
and to KNOW what I am doing...
well, for a long time during this play
i had NO idea of what I was doing...
i didn't know the terminology, i stuttered my lines,
i thought "upstaging" myself meant that i was
overacting...not that i had come too far out on the stage, haha :)
I was reminded that I am very much an introvert
and that being around people, no matter how awesome they are,
for long periods of time
is exhausting and may make me extra-emotional.
I won't lie...
there were tears and cursing and
"why am i doing this?" and "i will NEVER do this again"
last night
when it all came together
and it was lights and mics,
laughter and murmurs from the audience,
pats on the back and whispered praise to each other
as we came off stage,
shared giggles over lines almost missed...
it all became worth it.
you can check out more info about the play here...
there is still time for you to come and see it, if you like!