i don't really have a bucket list.
but what i do have...
is a BIG why not list.
(and when I am feeling really rebellious,
it becomes the BIG why the hell not list :) )
i started this list a long time ago,
maybe 2009...
i shared it on my blog then
but since then
there have been some changes...
some things have been added
and some
have just been removed
as i have realized over time that
that maybe that thing is just not that important to me anymore.
some things have been COMPLETED!
a few people have asked about my list
so i thought maybe i would share it again
since i recently updated it to include it in my
bullet journal.
what the list actually looks like right now in my bullet journal
i apologize in advance for the length of this list...
the BIG "why not" list
- Do 100 ideas for creativity by keri smith.
- Read something of my own out loud in public. COMPLETE
- Go to Cabot Trail again with my parents. (date is set for this! Sept 16, 2016)
- Go to Disney with Stirling and kids...if they want to go, hahaha.
- See a real 3D movie at an IMAX.
- Build a studio (not just for photography but with good light).
- Make a wedding topper out of fimo.
- Have a gallery show at a different venue.
- Be a part of a writing group. COMPLETE
- Start a writing group in Summerside.
- Take a writing class or workshop. COMPLETE
- Take a creative writing class at UPEI.
- Do ten tutorials about Photoshop.
- Design my own business cards and logo.
- Have something I have made in a shop.
- Write a long story.
- Drive a race car.
- Drive to Moncton by myself. COMPLETE
- Bungee jump
- Do yoga regularly.
- Try judo, tai chi or kickboxing.
- Have one thing published somewhere.
- Participate in a bridal show. COMPLETE
- Start a real letter correspondence (a grown up way of saying i want a penpal!)
- Participate in a Christmas craft fair.
- Learn how to drive a standard.
- Learn how to change a tire.
- Have a photo published in a magazine.
- Be interviewed.
- Meet a blogger that i read in real life.
- Make a quilt. (I may remove this one, I'm not sure it still holds interest for me)
- Take a drawing class.
- Try mixed media art (Kelly Rae).
- Take a course in something.
- Enter Island literary awards.
- Choose a theme for one month (photo & words).
- Make bread.
- Make a large paper cut image.
- Go to Italy.
- See the Skydiggers. COMPLETE...TWICE!
- Make my own salsa.
- Grow sunflowers.
- Reread all of Margaret Atwood.
- Invite my parents over for supper.
- Write a short story.
- Take a sewing class.
- Play scrabble.
- Teach the kids how to play SCAT, play with my parents.
- Find a job that I love ALL the time. COMPLETE
- Go rock-climbing.
- Ride a real roller-coaster.
- Photograph all the churches & graveyards on PEI (this one may not make the list much longer either)
- Own a hammock.
- Build a tree-house.
- Knit a robot.
- Knit a sock monkey.
- Make a blurb book of my blog.
- Learn how to play one song on guitar.
- Make peppermint bark.
- Hand carve something from wood.
- Write a letter to someone I am a fan of.
- Do the second Simple Abundance book.
- Hear Margaret Atwood read in person. COMPLETE!
- Color every page in a coloring book - start to finish.
- Try doing a latch rug kit.
- Make cinnamon rolls.
- Re-read Constance - Patricia Clapp
- Try watercolor painting. COMPLETE
- Play checkers.
- Go to Ireland.
- Plant a kitchen herb garden.
- Make my own poetry/photography book.
- Join a photography club.
- Read all of the Harry Potter books.
- Go to Scotland.
- Read the Outlander series.
- Make the 1001 ♥ shadowbox idea.
- Go on a photo walk.
- Go to Newfoundland.
- Make a Halloween decoration out of paper mache.
- Make a mushroom out of fimo.
- Finish my Anne painting and post on Etsy. COMPLETE
- Find Panmure Island.
- Take photos of graveyard on trail.
- Become a member of Women's Business Association.
- Have a gallery show at Beanz.
- Read War and Peace. started
- Grow my hair long and tangly.
- Journal every day for one month straight.
- Write a kid's book.
- Try karate.
- Own a Mark camera.
- Learn to crochet.
- 20 minute walk outside every day for a month.
- Be debt-free.
- Read and do "Writing Down the Bones" again.
- Start and complete a 365 project of some sort.
- Make apple butter.
- Read at least one book on photography.
- Own polka dot rain-boots. COMPLETE
- Buy new docs. COMPLETE
- Develop our forgotten rolls of film.
- Buy a typewriter.
- Plan an overnight escapade with 2 certain friends.
- Go on a road trip with Stirling.
- Attend a retreat (ideally...liz lamoreaux's)
- Tree-go
- Take a painting class with Suzanne O'Callaghan.
- Act in a play. COMPLETE
- Switch home movies to digital.
- Learn to play the drums.
- Add to my tattoo.
- Get the dandelions to birds tattoo.
- See the Redwood forest.
- Get a new mailbox and cool house numbers.
- Finish the house.
- Buy a necklace from Liz Elayne
- Make an inspiration board.
- Take a photography class.
- Finger-paint.
- Bake a red velvet cake.
- Learn how to cable knit.
- Donate blood.
- Go on a train ride.
- Try a zip line. COMPLETE
- Make a stop action movie.
- Be in Artful Blogging.
- Be in Where women create.
- Do the "Drawing on the right side of your brain" book.
- Make stamped metal jewelry.
- Make meat pies.
- Do an Alicia Burke class online.
- Do a Mondo Beyondo class.
- Make wonton soup.
- Drive in a transfer truck.
- Read all of LM Montgomery's books.
- Hang glass bottles from a tree.
- Move to the country.
- Put some photos to music in a video.
- Own a goat.
- Knit a big comfy earth toned blanket for me.
- Container garden. COMPLETE
- Drive a snowmobile.
- Sled down a giant hill.
- Make caramel apples.
- Go to a demolition derby.
- Fly in a fast plane.
- BE IN a demolition derby.
- Make strawberry freezer jam.
- Knit a dozen dishclothes.
- Make a calendar out of photos.
- Try Zumba.
- Make my own pop up book.
- Go to Canada's Wonderland.
- Read and do Inner Excavation.
- Drive a dirt bike.
- Get my taxi driver licence
- Shoot a month of sunsets
- Go to Peggy's Cove
- Get a little pug puppy friend for Pugsley
- Shoot a month of sunrises.
- Hike ALL the trails on PEI.
- Go somewhere with zero gravity.
- Go berry picking.
- Hot air balloon ride.
- Read the Robert Jordan series.
- Watch a meteor shower.
- See Blue Rodeo again.
- Go to Niagara Falls.
- Try flying trapeze lessons.
- Raise chickens
- Have a house with a sunroom.
- Build a greenhouse.
- Learn to meditate.
- Read kids books to kids at a library.
- Try glassblowing.
- Go to Grand Manan.
- See a murmuration for real.
- Try mountain biking.
- Make a coloring book.
- Be a bingo caller.
- Ride a mechanical bull.
- Perform a wedding ceremony.
- Segway
- Go go-kart racing
- Drive an ATV.
- Own a jeep...orange...or purple.
- Make an "all family" involved haunted house at halloween
- Try horse back riding.
- Do a big jigsaw puzzle
I warned you...it's a long list.
I just read something that talked about the Golden Rule of the bucket list
being not to focus
on completing the bucket list,
just the tasks that are on it...
but it's good to keep adding to it.
So I guess I'm doing it right, heeheehee.
And by sharing it, I'm throwing it out there to the universe.
Take a chance, see what happens.