where good little boats go to die...
fable tearoom...my new island favorite place to be...
this image really has nothing to do with this post
other than to say that i am still in love with my anniversary flowers
and i needed a photo for the start of this post...
i had the chance to visit
the adorable and charming
fable tea room
in bedeque
on friday.
it is just as sweet and whimsical
as its name
would have you imagine.
and if you know me at all,
you know that i am a bit of a picky eater
(not really because i'm actually picky
but more because i am intensely fearful
of trying something new
and always tend to order the same thing)
{chicken fingers, if you must know...heh...}
obviously a tea room
would likely not have
chicken fingers and fries...
instead i had
a beautiful grilled cheese
(and yes, if you know me well,
you are probably thinking CHEESE!
you don't eat cheese! you won't even eat
because you insist you don't like cheese!)
i like melted cheese.
i hate the texture of not-melted cheese against my teeth.
i can't explain any better than that.
you should probably just accept that answer
and we'll move on.
so...the grilled cheese was literally
beautiful...please don't ask me what kind of
bread or what kind of cheese...
but i can tell you
that there were thin apple slices
and i was like THAT IS THE BEST IDEA EVER!
and cucumber all thin and curly and pretty
with a flower on top
which my best-friend-partner-in-escapades ate
and i wished i was that brave
but instead i settled for cheering her on
and telling her i'm sure it must be edible.
not sure but pretty sure.
ok but i haven't even told you about dessert yet.
my best-friend-partner-in-escapades (BFPIE for short)
always tries to make me eat things...
i can't tell you how long she has
to make me eat cheesecake...
(it's just not going to happen, by the way)
(but please don't stop trying, it's cute when you make that annoyed face & sigh in exasperation)
anyway...she suggested the
blueberry bread pudding with pecan caramel sauce
and i was like
yeah, i'm totally with you RIGHT UP TO THE BREAD PUDDING part
i just couldn't wrap my head around that idea.
my brain was picturing soggy mushy wonderbread
with some blueberries on top...
but we agreed to share one
and i cannot tell you
how wrong i was.
what i will tell you is that
i will never share one of those again...
i will eat the whole damn thing myself,
in fact, i might order two or three
and eat them all...
in one sitting
it was that good.
and it came in a teacup!!!!!!
seriously, this is a dessert
that i would have thought only lived in the imaginations
of lucy maud montgomery
and roald dahl
in the lands of raspberry cordial and
scrumdiddlyumptious bars...
i am totally smitten with this place.
they are open year round, by the way,
and do tea leaf readings and have lots
of interesting events coming up as well
like traditional full moon ceremonies
and guest chef nights...
and there are items for sale also...
cutest little displays of jewelry and stuffed owls
and full moon wishing powder...
and maybe, possibly, hopefully, someday
there may be some little robot cards of my own
in that mix...
(which is equally exciting and scary for me...
it would be my first time putting myself out there
in that type of work...big breath...you can do this)
and i apologize for the quality of the photos...
i had fully intended to bring my actual camera with me
but then was running late
and so only had my phone...
but the truth is
i wanted to take photos of EVERYTHING...
oh...and if you are going to go,
you should probably call about a reservation...
we didn't and we were just lucky to catch a table.
but you should definitely go.
you'll love it, too.
i know it.
and eat the BREAD PUDDING!
DISCLAIMER: i do not proclaim to know how to write a review of anything
and have just realized this would probably seem like a very weird review
as most of it is about me and my food-quirks...
(hence the disclaimer).