a shoebox
of notes passed on buses
and through brothers on bikes
when we weren't allowed to
see each other
or use the phone...
zellers moonwalk pin 1986....
records on wheels bag
(note the billy idol)
purple feathers
straight from the lobster carnival...
today has been
trying to remember the thing
we used to say
from the max headroom commercial...
something tells me it goes
"but let's not let popular opinion sway us,
let's try coke-coke-coke again"
but i can't find it anywhere
and i wonder if maybe we made it up
and thought it was so funny
we repeated it for years
with no one getting it
but us
(which likely made it all that much funnier).
today is always a little bittersweet...
shared memories that only i remember now.
but i hold on to them tight
in a shoebox
in my heart...
and when i pull them out,
they make me smile now instead of just sad...
so many good stories...
so many things i don't want to forget
and i'm sorry that i keep talking about her
but the truth is...
i don't want to ever stop.
she was here.
she was here.
a field full of wishes...