friday morning
i got in the car with
my camera, my wallet,
a can of bug spray
and a can of diet coke...
and just drove.
i had no real plan, no timeline
no map and no compass...
i just followed the sun,
looking for pretty light
and maybe a little bit of mist...
i ended up in hunter river
where i walked a bit of the confederation trail
(until honestly, i thought there was a
bird murder happening...there was shrieking
and trees shaking and sudden flocks of
birds over head...but the was chilling.
i have a video but i can't share it
because i was so freaked out
i said the f-word)
i saw a real live beaver!
i stopped at a shop that sell honey candles
and for lunch at by the river cafe...
the chicken salad sandwich was
seriously ginormous...there is NO other way to
accurately describe it.
i had to take half home...
i most likely would have died
if i tried to eat it all at once...
(and it was so good).
my lunch time view...can't beat that. :)
which means
i was too full to try their ice cream so
i don't get to add that one to my bucket list,
(just means i will have to go back!)
i have always wanted to stop at this little greenhouse
so this time, i did!
it's so sweet! and they have lots of stuff inside
for your garden, too.
and then...i saw a strawberry u-pick
that was open RIGHT THAT MINUTE.
ummmmm....i took zero pictures of the strawberries...
i had good intentions...but i ate them.
so i thought...THAT is definitely on my list
and i am DEFINITELY running out of time on that one
so i pulled in...
i got a little confused on where i was
supposed to be going
cause i didn't see any people and
felt weird driving onto someone's property like that
but then i found people...
and realized i had no cash
(like that's a surprise...i never have cash on me...)
or bowls (which i didn't know you should bring yourself)
but the very nice woman
gave me some boxes
and took the 3.05 i found in loose change in the car
(even though it came to 4.25)
and even showed me where the most berries
were most likely to be found...
it's pretty picked over by now.
one more thing off my list!
next up...stock car races (ideally...i'd like to drive one)
i really really need a jeep.