the other night
i was working on a new watercolor...
(and when i say working on, i mean struggling with...)
when i happened to look
out the window
and see this bright & shiny rainbow
over my neighbors house.
i really need to reconfigure my's better than it was but i think i need more space.
i grabbed the camera
and ran outside
barefoot in the spitting rain.
it's good to walk away
from what you are working on
get your feet wet
while looking for
end of the rainbow...
when i came back in,
i felt like my frustration
with feeling like i don't know what i am doing
with these brushes, this paper, this color...
why doesn't anything on the paper
match what is in my head,
why do youtube videos
make it all
so damn
i felt better when i came in
and was able to finish what i was working on
with fresh eyes
and less eff words.
i tried doing her feet different
and now she looks like
she is suspended in air...
and one last photo...of the cat...cause...look at his cute little nose! :)