Today is my dad’s birthday.
He would have been 80 today.
Every time there is a milestone,
I go into it thinking I’m ok, it’s ok,
everything is ok…
and then it surprisingly
tackles me and takes me down for the count.
I feel like maybe
there is a lesson to be learned
in this.
That maybe I shouldn’t be trying to
fight it
and just lean into those moments
and let them happen…
the truth is
they are gonna happen anyway,
whether I say it’s ok or not.
Once again,
this was not what I came here to write.
But this is what came out of the
I was going to write about
how I bit my tongue so hard
it bled for a long time
and I have had to (painfully)
take tylenol in order to
deal with how much it hurt.
But now you know both.
I partly wonder if I subconsciously
bit my tongue that hard
to distract myself from the
pain in my heart.