happiness is a full tank of gas...
and a good playlist…
no destination
means sometimes
you end up in Greenwich
where the nice park guy
probably thinks you are a nut bar
because the first time you see him,
you panic because you think
maybe you were supposed to pay
to get in and you were going
to come back to a note
on your windshield again
so when he says hello
you say
was i supposed to pay?
i can go back
all panicky
(and no, there was no charge).
and then
when you meet him later
on his bike
you panic again
and say
am i on the wrong side
of the yellow line?
is this where i am supposed to be?
should i be over there??
in a panicky voice.
(it didn’t matter what side of the yellow
line you were on).
these were taken at the beginning of summer
but I am just getting around to posting them now.
blogging has taken a bit of a backseat…
along with everything else
but hoping to get back on top of things again.
i would not make a good sailor...
all summer
i said i was going to visit greenwich national park
(the above picture IS NOT from there but was taken on the way)
so a couple of weeks ago
i finally did it.
and it did not disappoint.
the day was windy and a little cool
but the clouds were big and fluffy
and so low it felt you could jump up
and pull one down
and the sky was so damn blue
which seemed like a perfect day
for this trail.
the dunes were so incredibly cool...
but the walking bridge over the water
was way, way longer than i thought it was going to be
and i am sure
i walked it like a drunken sailor.
i thought that once i was on it for a bit
my body would adjust...
but no...not really...
i wobbled along, tripping and stumbling
and feeling a little seasick.
i kept watching other people
(because for the record...there were TONS of other people
on the trail the whole time i was there...
i didn't enjoy that part so much...
i like a little more solitude when i am on a trail)
to see if they were being affected
the same way
but if they were,
they hid it much better than me.
so...that coupled with the sad fact that i can't swim
has completely removed sailor
from my list of "what i want to be when i grow up".
and i didn't know that it would take you to the beach...
which was beautiful
and i love days like that
where the wind is wild
and the waves are foamy
and rushing in with a roar
and you just feel like laughing loud
and running along the beach
without caring what anybody thinks
you are still feeling slightly seasick
AND there are so many people around
so you limit yourself
to trying to get really close to the waves
for photos
until one wave tricks you
and actually runs you over
soaking your pant legs
and making you laugh out loud
and run in front of strangers anyway.
the day before i went to this park
i had dyed my hair kind of purple...
so i also spent an inordinate amount of time
trying to get a photo of the purple
while on the trail...
which i am sure made people look at me oddly
as well...
even more exciting...
i found a perfect little truffula tree
as i was walking back.
part of me want to point it out
to the other people as they walked by
but realized that shouting
"look!!!! it's a PERFECT TRUFFULA TREE!"
paired with my staggering walk on the bridge
might cause someone to think maybe
i shouldn't be driving...or unaccompanied.
i know this post was way too long
and so many photos so if you stuck with me
til the end, yay!
that i DIDN'T post...but wanted to.
if you have not been to this park yet, you really should go!
i regret that i didn't explore the interpretative center a little more
other than just to find the bathroom
and there is a whole other trail i didn't do
but that will be another adventure.
oh...and an ice cream sundae on the way back... :)