i totally was going to
clean out the area
where we keep our recyclables
put away the mountains
of laundry
teetering on the edge
of mayhem
and mess...
i was going to do yoga
and get my 11000 steps in,
and pick up the vacuum
that i left in my brothers van
over 2 weeks ago
or more...
but instead
i got wrapped up in videos
on how to do html and css
(and can i just say
i got SO excited when
i made a webpage open
and ask "what is your name"
that i might have squealed
and taken a photo of it
and sent it to S)(i'm sure he was not
nearly as excited...heeheehee)
i broke out the watercolors
and ate a chicken nugget kids meal
just so i could get the
lego batman toy
drank copious amounts of diet coke
listened to the lumineers
and rose cousins
and stared out the window
at the snow
for long periods of time.
i stayed in my pajamas
and wore 2 different colored socks.
my hair is a nightmare
but i did moisturize.
i didn't make my bed though.
and that, in a nutshell, has been
friday...now it's chicken wings & nachos
with that guy i love best,
guitar playing (not me) and diet coke (me)...
a perfect start to the weekend.
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥