the truth is i'm tired
and i can barely keep my eyes open
and all i really want
to do
right this very
is curl up
in the corner of the
and nap
like the cats do.
the truth is
i bit down too hard
on a piece of gum
(spearmint...which i don't even like)
aggravated some stupid nerve
and now
i have a stupid
the truth is
it's only tuesday
and already
i feel like i am losing
the truth is
the tomato plants
are taking over the living room....
i thought about writing
a story about a girl named lili
who was lonely
so she built herself a robot friend
out of cereal boxes....
the house needs to be cleaned
and the laundry has become
a stockpile
of mismatched socks
and unfolded towels...
there are dishes in the sink
and 10000 steps yet to be taken
but the truth is
i'm tired today.
tomorrow's another day.