i haven’t done one of these
in a while.
i was going to come here
to say
i’m tired of winter,
of frozen pipes
and shoveling the driveway,
of layers of clothes
and how it doesn’t matter
how careful i am,
i always end up with
snow in my boots.
but the truth also is
that i am starting to see
the light at the end of the
snow filled tunnel…
the days are getting longer,
second by gradual second
and i am grateful
for every extra moment of light.
the sun sets tonight
on the blue-white snow,
my driveway is kind of shoveled,
my heat is on, the house is warm.
i have chicken fricot for supper
and gumdrops for dessert.
i think about how lucky i really am,
how quickly things can change
and suddenly i am grateful
for the shoveling and
for the snow in my boots.
i’m alive.
i’m healthy. i’m happy.
and i’m safe and loved.
that is enough.
(though….i’m still ready for spring….)