today’s truth
is that
i came to the page
to write
i have nothing
to say.
another day.
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today’s truth
is that
i came to the page
to write
i have nothing
to say.
another day.
the truth is i have a home energy assessment thing
scheduled for today
and i am full of nervous anxiety…
you forget what your house
might look like to others,
that don’t know you…
that don’t know your story.
it’s the broken-down ramp,
the sketchy doors,
the trimless upstairs windows,
my well intentioned but somewhat sad
attempts at spray foam,
my clay basement,
my muddy messy yard,
my christmas tree still on the deck…
not to mention the living room
of smurfs, robots and
hopeful vision boards.
the truth is
i feel like i move backwards
almost as much as
i move forward sometimes…
i feel like sometimes
after a big step forward,
i am frozen for a bit.
but i think that’s ok.
it’s like finding your balance….
it’s ok to rest a moment,
get your bearings,
reset your course if you have to…
take a breath.
stand still.
the truth is
it’s hard to push yourself
out of your comfort zone
but once you do it…
it’s kinda freeing.
yesterday i wanted to cancel
this assessment…
i wanted to cry…sulk…kick things…
i was mad at myself for booking it…
but i know
that when it is over,
i will feel so much better that i did it,
whether it helps me or not financially,
at least it’s done.
the truth is
i tend to turn
little things
big things.
i am not gonna lie.
i kinda had a tough weekend…
i don’t usually
feel sorry
for myself
this weekend,
the furnace acting up is one thing…
but the furnace
acting up after i just replaced
the stupid oil tank…
and the issue with the furnace
added to the roof leaking
and the downed trees that i still need to move
plus the side door
i need to replace…
the furnace acting up
was just the straw that
might have temporarily broke me.
the good news is…
i feel better now.
first of all, we have a great furnace guy.
he came as soon as he could
and he is coming back tomorrow
and hopefully, we will be all fixed up again
when he leaves.
and today
i wanted to do farm day in the city
but just didn’t have it in me…i was sad and worried and well,
just feeling kinda “i-give-up”-y so
19 spent the day with me…
i had apple picking on my 50 before 50 list
so he totally humored me
(even though I know he definitely had other things
he could have been doing)…and said let’s go.
he reached all the tall apples for me
and made me laugh…
we drove down dirt roads,
took photos of cows,
stopped in to see my parents,
and then went out for supper
(five dollar fill-ups at KFC for all!)
by the end of the day
i felt far less “i give up” ish
and much more
for the things in my life
that really matter.
(and…i can cross apple picking
off my 50 before 50 list!)
has been weighing on me
a little bit
This may not be my usual
ice cream and robots and polka dot boots
kinda post…
I am pretty open about my current situation…
separated after 20+ years.
I tend to gloss over the really low points
and I over-share the day-to-day adventures of being on my own
like buying a lawn mower
and then said lawn mower betraying me. :)
But that’s what I have always done.
A best friend told me that I do share sooooo much online…
but…not usually the stuff that really matters to me…but…
this does. This is post that I am still debating whether I should share or not.
This has nothing to do with my separation
in a sense and is only related to it as a “result” of this change
in my life.
This is about online dating.
I have been pretty open with family, friends and co-workers
that I have been trying online dating.
And I have gotten mixed results from telling people this.
The reason I tell people is
a) I am not ashamed of it.
b) This is a small island. I would sooner be upfront and telling people
myself, where at least I feel that I somewhat control the narrative, then to think
that people are discussing it without my humorous input. Haha.
c) it’s what I do. I turn things into adventures, try to make them funny,
it’s literally how I deal
with everything.
Most people are pretty supportive of this and understand that, as this age
(old. I am old. Let’s just say it. Haha)
how do you meet people? How do you meet people & know they are also
looking to meet people? I could just starting asking random people but
that seems like it might be intrusive and weirder than my usual behavior. Heehee.
But…some people react openly with horror and with what feels like a little bit of judgement.
I am going to say this
as kindly as I possibly can ♥♥♥♥♥
…because honestly, 2-3 years ago, I may have been exactly
where you are (happily married, not expecting to ever be in this situation)
and I may have unknowingly said these same words:
“I would never do that.”
”If my marriage ended, I would never look for someone else.”
”Why are you using a dating site, you shouldn’t be doing that”
and variations of “those sites are just for pick ups, they’re gross, they’re dangerous, what are you thinking, you don’t need to do that”
Well…I am just going to say (and kindly, so kindly…) :)
but it’s possible that a person doesn’t know how they would react to the end of a marriage/relationship
until they are in that situation…I certainly didn’t…and when someone says things like that,
I feel a little hurt, a little judged, a little less than…
and i KNOW that was not your intention…
I know that in my heart…
because I feel like most people are kind & it’s just a knee jerk reaction…
and that’s why I just feel like maybe
it needs to be said because I know
I am not the only one going through this right now…
and we all make different choices at different stages as we
all are dealing with completely different situations…
and definitely some people choose not to go this route after a separation
and that’s totally fine, too! :) Whatever makes you happy in the end…
And honestly, so far, online dating has given me only positives….
I have made a few new friends, I have a couple funny stories I can tell now
(mainly about my own awkwardness…) and I don’t take it very seriously…
Right now, for me, it’s just a way to dip my toe back in the pool
(and hope a shark doesn’t take my leg off but that can happen anywhere…
not just online…I had more strange and bizarre stories happen
from working in retail than I have from online dating…hahaha)
just…it’s hard.
It’s hard to put yourself out there
and date again…or even just meet up with someone for coffee or ice cream…
because, in my head, I feel like people are watching.
I know that it is probably not true, everyone has their own lives
and I am not that important in anyone else’s universe, hahaha
but, it’s sooooo totally not helpful when you find out
that someone you don’t even know
feels it’s ok to take a photo of you while you are out for supper,
send it to someone you care about and
make an insinuation at your expense “as a joke”…
Starting over is not easy…& what feels like a
harmless “joking” comment to one
may be enough to set a person back 3 big steps
from that baby step forward they just took.
OK! Back to ice cream and beaches and robots!
♥ ♥ ♥
it is almost impossible to be unhappy
when wearing a polka dot dress.
it's like magic.
(and really,
the more i think about it
it might not be the dress itself...
i think maybe it's the polka dots...
the polka dot shoes work, too...both pairs...
and the polka dot skirt
and that polka dot shirt i bought...
i own a lot of polka dots.)
(truth...the word polka dot is starting to
sound funny...i think i said it too many times)
♥ ♥ ♥
i often wonder if
it's apparent to people driving by me
that sometimes
i walk the whole way home
trying not to step on any cracks
in the sidewalk...
which means
that sometimes
i have to take extra big steps
then 6 tiny steps
followed by jumping to the
left because...well...
because it's fun
and i don't want to break my mother's back
(see, mom. i'm always thinking about ya!)
i suspect maybe it's not as apparent
as i would hope
and that people probably think
i'm drunk.
♥ ♥ ♥
speaking of walking home...
why do people insist on stopping for me
at the one crosswalk
that i don't have to cross at?
and then get mad and speed off
when i turn
instead of crossing.
i am literally starting to get stressed
about it now as i come to that intersection...
in my head, i'm like...
they think i am going straight
but i'm going to turn
and now they are waiting for me
but i am going to turn
so i'm just not going to make
eye contact or maybe i should
point to the way i'm turning
or maybe there's some sort of
hand signal
they are people on bikes do
but i don't know what that
signal is
and damn it...
now i just stepped on a crack
got hit with gravel
as that car sped off all mad cause i didn't cross.
maybe i should just start crossing
even though i'm NOT GOING THAT WAY.
♥ ♥ ♥
i wasn't going to write about
of these today.
funny how i sit down here
with one plan in mind
and something else totally different & slightly odd
comes out instead.
i blame the polka dot dress.
or credit.
depends on if you enjoyed this post or not.