it was a weird roller coaster up & down kinda weekend.
i spent my friday off with the house to myself
playing with some watercolors,
doing a little doodling, listening to music...
taking the day slow and quiet,
my favorite kind of day.
then campbell came home
white as a sheet of paper
and hurt...
a 6 hour stay in emergency
to find out that while he did not
get a concussion out of his skateboarding mishap,
he did break his collarbone :(
it's never fun sitting in a hospital waiting room
for that long especially when your phone died
and you didn't have supper
and you are both starving
on the bright side,
i had 6 hours of captive quality time with my boy.
i learned that he is incredibly patient, even when hungry and hurt.
as if a baby belly is not enough enticement to come take photos, they also bought me a diet coke AND told me they had lilacs in their yard! :)
saturday was an early morning maternity session.
i love when i have the opportunity to work with friends.
i knew the momma-to-be from an ECCE course we
took together years ago
but i also had the privilege of doing their
engagement photos and their wedding photos
so i was very excited when they asked me to do
their baby-belly photos!
sneak peeks to come!
and early saturday evening was so much fun
as i got to meet up with a gang of friends
who planned an informal reunion get-together
at a beautiful cottage in Seaview.
i graduated TOSH in 1988 and i believe most of this
crew graduated in '86 or '87.
it was kind of a little surreal for me to do these photos
as i remember most of them from high school
but in a sort of intimidating they-were-a-cool-crowd-artsy-
i-wanna-be-like-them-but-i'm-such-a-dorky-shy-geeky-kid kinda way.
and it's funny how easily we can be transported to
those high school feelings even this many years later.
driving out there i was actually nervous, more nervous
than i normally am.
and what's even funnier is when you realize
that people are just people...and you know that
you knew it all along but it's hard to let go of what
you thought you knew about someone
when really...
you didn't know them at all.
i realize now that back then i formed more opinions of what
i thought other people must be like
based on my opinions and beliefs about myself...
my intimidation had more to do with my own
typical teenage-years lack of self confidence and insecurity...
and in my self-absorbed insecure teenage head,
i always thought i was the only one that felt this way
(dorky, weird, odd, alone, unattractive, out of fashion, alone)
but really, chances are, most of us felt this way
but some of us were better at hiding it.
anyway, this has totally gotten off track :)
and what i really wanted to say is
they all made me feel so welcome and comfortable
and it was so much fun listening to them share stories
of their time in high school...the parties, the yearbooks inscriptions,
the old photo albums and the big hair.
I am so happy that they asked me to help document part of
this weekend for them, it was a ton of fun!
sneak peeks to come!
and more lilacs...because...well...they're lilacs!!! :)