poems and procrastination...

april is napowrimo
{national poem writing month}

and i intend to take up the challenge again.
i think this will be my 3rd year attempting
to make a full month of poems...

i really want to get back on the wagon,
start writing again, start taking photos again...
and i think this is a good way to get back in the saddle.
to just start
to lay out some expectations for myself
and then

in saying that...
i have decided to pair a photo with a poem for
every day for the month of april...
a lofty goal for someone who has picked up
neither camera or pen
in a couple of months
but i think it is something i need to do.

and i feel good about it.

see you in april!
{and please...feel free to play along...the more the better!}

daylight savings time

the clocks have jumped ahead
and suddenly my world feels lighter
i am bundled in less layers
wearing sunglasses on the way home from work
instead of having to put the headlights on...
i am thinking about redecorating and gardens
and fresh tomatoes and barbeques....
planning stone walkways
and to fix the clothesline...
i exercised last night for the first time in months...
{thanks to the energy that also allowed me to stay up
past seven o clock}

my heart is lighter, too...
and my mind...
got extended another six months for my job,
the kids are on march break
and my husband's business will be coming into
busy season soon...

we are full of plans and motions,
stops and gos,
ready and waiting to spring.

5 minutes before i go out the door

i am reading elizabeth gilberts eat pray love.

and i have to say that i love it.
that i am devouring it.
that i am saying italian words out loud
without a fathom of how to pronounce them...

i am rereading paragraphs...
i am thinking i should be taking notes...
but then i think no,
this is a book you will read a second time...
there will be time for note taking then.

i am really really enjoying this book
and i hadn't expected to.
i am always wary of the hype
but in this case,
much deserved.

i do wonder if part of it
isn't that it has come to me
at just the right time in my life...
how maybe some of the things she is
searching for
inspire me
because maybe
i am searching for the same.

things i'm looking forward to::a list

~starting this book today
~daylight savings time
~longer days
~warm weather
~finding my creative cycle again
~finding energy again
~starting this book this month
~finding time for me

as i wrote this without thinking, without planning
i can see two themes here.
one::i am tired of winter
two::i am tired of running in circles and need to make
some time for myself again...i can feel it my bones,
in my posture, in my belly...i am craving something
all the time but can't put a name on what it is...
i am losing myself in all the busyness...

i need to force myself to slow down,
i need to pump the brakes.
to take a breath.
and find a way to release it.