tuesday truths...

i started reading a new book,
a book that i couldn't wait to read,
a book that i bought in hardcover
before it hit the bargain bin
(which i almost never do),
a book that i have drooled over and
anticipated and talked up...
and so far...
i am not loving it.
i still have hope...but
i am not loving it yet.
i just don't like the main character.
i don't think that i would like her in real life maybe.
i don't know.


i am not using my fitbit.
or tracking my eating.
or going to yoga.
or walking much.
and i feel yucky.


i bought mascara...
super light
super gently
barely noticeable mascara
cause my eyes seem to be incredibly sensitive
but still.
i bought mascara.
AND i'm wearing it!  :)
(oh.  and blush)

snapshot saturday 2015

 itty bitty snippets of my life...
february 8-14

  pb&j 08.02.2015 #myLife2015

 5:06 and I still see sunshine.... #happyhappyhappy 09.02.2015 #myLife2015

 Camera caps & calendar pages #myLife2015 10.02.2015

Are you takin'me out now? Are we goin'out? Can we go in the car? Huh? Huh? Can we? 11.02.2015 #myLife2015

 Headache again...but look who is sharing my blanket....and keeping my feet warm 12.02.2015 #myLife2015 #puglove

 Farmers market strawberries on waffles caramel sauce with my valentine ♡♡♡ i love saturdays 14.02.2015 #myLife2015

 And here's where we are at 6:40....a slight bit of driftage...that's a word, right? #15.02.2015 #Blizzard2015 #pei #windstillraging

friday i'm in love (& a day late)

so much out there to fall in love with...

where to start?!

~Ok seriously...how have i never found these before
Elise Gets Crafty::  podcasts
i love them...i started at the beginning of season one totally loving them!

~go omnomnomnomify...you will be so happy you did.

~this is always one of my recurring resolutions
i always try to convince myself that i would be so much happier if i would just get up earlier....
but so far...i haven't listened to myself...
but this was a great article nonetheless!

~and...still on topic of resolutions...
a 40 hour work week in 16.7 hours...i'm in!

~february is cinnamon heart month at the big orange house in the middle of the street!


oh, this, this made me so insanely happy.  love her.

year of the avid reader::book two {i'm on a roll!}

i have been
wanting to read this book
ever since i watched a trailer for it
a couple of years ago

i kept writing the title down
and thinking about it
and considering and waiting

(i hate to pay for hardcovers
when i really know nothing about the author)
but then i got a gift card for christmas

and i knew right away
what i was getting.

and i loved it.

i loved it.

i loved it.

i could not put it down, i blew through it in days.

so beautifully written.

like poetry but in a story that carries you along
and makes you wonder
what is going to happen next.

the characters stick in your head...
even after the story stops.

that's the kind of book i love.

and i had thought that this was grace mccleen's first book,
her only book...but i was wrong...there ARE MORE!
loooooooook at that website

oh...i am totally crushing on this author.

seriously...go check her out...
you will not be disappointed!

next up:

Adult Onset
by Anne Marie MacDonald

(and as
Fall on your Knees
is one of my top five absolute
favorite books, i have really really really high hopes for
this one!)

Sunday Best

i had started doing this a long time ago
and then
kind of fell of the wagon
but i am climbing right back on again...
and i tell myself that it's the climb back on that counts 

for anyone that doesn't know me...
besides my day job
i am also a bit of a wedding photographer on the side...
sunday best
was a spot where i thought i might showcase
some of the photos that made me pretty happy
(& hopefully, made the bride & groom pretty happy, too!)