snapshot saturday 2015

 itty bitty snippets of my life...
february 8-14

  pb&j 08.02.2015 #myLife2015

 5:06 and I still see sunshine.... #happyhappyhappy 09.02.2015 #myLife2015

 Camera caps & calendar pages #myLife2015 10.02.2015

Are you takin'me out now? Are we goin'out? Can we go in the car? Huh? Huh? Can we? 11.02.2015 #myLife2015

 Headache again...but look who is sharing my blanket....and keeping my feet warm 12.02.2015 #myLife2015 #puglove

 Farmers market strawberries on waffles caramel sauce with my valentine ♡♡♡ i love saturdays 14.02.2015 #myLife2015

 And here's where we are at 6:40....a slight bit of driftage...that's a word, right? #15.02.2015 #Blizzard2015 #pei #windstillraging