so sad...

eight had a bad dream last night...
"a sad dream" by his account.

he laid beside me on the couch
and told me that in his dream,
twelve was crying
and he asked me why she was crying.

he said i told him that it just because
i had low blood sugar
but that he knew in the dream that
i was just saying that,
so he wouldn't be scared.

and then i "randomly fell out of the sky
and hit my car" and he asked if i was dead
and i said yes...
and that he was crying in the dream
and when he woke up, he was crying for real
in his bed

and it broke my heart
to hear him tell that dream,
so earnest, so serious, so sad...
and it makes you aware of how badly
you want to protect them
not only from danger and hurt and bad choices
but from sadness
and upset
and grief...
even in dreams.

eeeeek...i was almost late...

i was almost late for the tea party at fanciful twist!!
i ran out of sprite
and had to settle for ginger ale,
and then it rained
and my hair got wet
which meant all the red/purple temporary color ran out of my hair and onto my gown...
my pumpkin had a flat,
the goblin who works at the gas station
had gone out for pizza
so i had to change the tire myself
and since i left my magic wand
up in the tree the other day
{please don't ask why i was in the tree,
i will cry with embarrassment, i really will}
i had to really change it myself
and so...
i am late.

but i am here now
and mmmm...whoops...i almost dropped my
cupcake...trying to put my hat on...
{will you be upset if some of purple hair
color bleeds onto the hair is
still damp...oh..i knew you wouldn't mind,
because you are soooo sweet}

{this was fun.}
{go get your tiara and come along...
i have room in the's a bit of a gas guzzler
but i just can't let go of her...she's a classic, you know.}

coming to the page saturday...

saturday morning again,
grey and cloudy and promising rain...
i sit in front of the computer screen
blank and quiet...
present and accounted for...
waiting for words to bubble over,
to froth, to spew.

and yet they sit...they remain...
they simmer and stew.
there is no mad explosion,
there are only dribs and drabs,
a fragment, a clause, a broken paragraph....
structure with no story,
a picture with no view.

things running through my head...

at this moment?

  • why aren't my string beans coming up? everyone else's are. i've planted mine twice now.
  • is 12 really old enough to have a boyfriend?
  • should i let 12 have a boyfriend?
  • does she even want a boyfriend yet?
  • i wish i felt more sore today after going to pilates last night...i don't really feel sore at that a bad sign for a class that cost me 13 dollars?
  • should i add a picture to this post?
  • it's almost time for me to go to work.
  • i would sooner stay home.
  • if i put the tin flower pots i bought yesterday outside, won't they rust in the rain?
  • normally, i like rust...but i don't think it would suit these pots.
  • i wish i was going to see the tragically hip next week.
  • i can't wait for the fireworks.
  • what about supper tonight?
  • the chicken linguine was good last night...thanks to pioneer woman
  • time for work.