finding out totally by accident while shooting a wedding that the
flash that you have been using for the past 6 months
and the same flash you just finished complaining about
actually does have a tilt option to it...
you just didn't know it...
and being so excited by this that you grab
a guest at the wedding and share your newfound discovery
with her and she is sweet enough to pretend to care
how much you missed just hanging out with family
after spending the day your parents and having your father
tell you and your sister in law a story about their last trip
and the backyard of the place they were staying that had a pool
and a gazooki? as your father can't remember what it's called
and you assume he means gazebo
but when you ask your mom about the gazooki?
she says
oh yeah....the hot tub.
the hot tub?
{later you realize he meant jacuzzi all along}
money doesn't matter as much as good health does.