a list of wishes...

well...i have procrastinated long enough...
on my birthday, i talked about the
i felt to my 39th birthday
and how i felt an urge to
make this last year in my 30's
a big one...
to push the envelope,
to throw my list out to the universe
and see what mayhem transpires...

without futher ado
here it is...
my mondo beyondo grande list...
my big bang for the 39th year...
goals, dreams, wishes, aspirations...

1. Do the 100 ideas for creativity by Keri Smith {and document}
2. Read something of my own out loud in public
3. Go to Cabot Trail with my parents again
4. Go to Disney with husband and kids
5. See a real 3D movie at an IMAX
6. Build a photography studio
7. Make a wedding topper out of clay
8. Have a gallery show at a different venue
9. Be a part of a writing group
10. Take a writing class or workshop
11. Learn more about Photoshop
12. Design my own business cards and logo
13. Have something of my design available in at least 1 local store
14. Write a long story
15. Drive a race car
16. Drive to Moncton (I just want to drive...somewhere off the island)
17. Bungee jump
18. Do yoga regularly
19. Try a different form of exercise (tai chi, kickboxing, etc)
20. Have one thing published somewhere
21. Participate in a Bridal Show
22. Start a "real" letter correspondence with someone...anyone interested?
23. Participate in a Christmas Craft Fair
24. Learn how to drive a standard
25. Buy a cool couch for photo shoots
26. Learn how to change a tire
27. Have a photo published in a magazine
28. Be interviewed by CBC...by Jian Ghomeshi...on Q
29. Meet a blogger in person or at least, a phone/webcam convo? any takers?
30. Make a quilt
31. Make pajama pants from a sheet
32. Take a drawing class
33. Try mixed media art
34. Take a course, not work/career related...something i like...
35. Enter the local story awards contest here
36. Make cupcakes out of fimo
37. Choose a theme and take photos as part of a collection...a
project...include writing in some way
38. make my own soap
39. Make bread
40. make a large papercut to frame
41. Go to Italy
42. See the Skydiggers
43. Make my own salsa
44. Grow sunflowers
45. reread all of Margaret Atwood's books
46. Invite my parents over for supper
47. Write a short story
48. take a sewing class
49. put our photos into scrapbooks
50. play scrabble with the kids
51. teach the kids to play scat and take them to play with
my parents
52. Find a job I love allllll the time
53. go rock climbing
54. Ride a real rollercoaster
55. photograph all the local churches and graveyards
56. own a hammock
57. Write some real letters
58. learn more about computers
59. build a treehouse
60. make the nativity idea i was planning as a gift
61. knit a robot
62. knit a sock monkey
63. make a blurb book of my blog
64. learn how to play one song on guitar
65. make peppermint bark
66. handcarve something from wood
67. write a letter to someone i am a fan of
68. do the second simple abundance book
69. get the kelly rae book on mixed media & try it
70. hear Margaret Atwood read in person
71. color every page in a coloring book, from start to finish
72. try doing a latch rug kit
73. make cinnamon rolls
74. reread constance by patricia clapp
75. try water color painting
76. play checkers with the kids
77. go to Ireland
78. plant a kitchen herb garden
79. make my own poetry/photography book
80. join a photography club
81. read all the harry potter books
82. go to scotland
83. finish all the diana gabaldon books
84. make the 1001 hearts shadowbox idea
85. go on a photo walk (plan one if i have to)
86. get what i need to make letters out of wood
87. go to Newfoundland
88. make a halloween decoration out of paper mache
89. make a mushroom out of fimo
90. finish my anne painting and post on etsy
91. find Panmure Island
92. take pictures of abandoned graveyard we found before
93. Become of member of the women's business assoc. here
94. Register the business
95. Have a gallery show at Beanz
96. Have a showing for something other than photography
97. Read War and Peace
98. grow my hair long and tangly
99. do 3 pages of morning pages for at least one month straight
100. write a children's book
101. try karate
102. own a mark II camera
103. learn to crochet
104. 20 minute walk outside everyday...for my mind & health
105. get debt in order and keep on top of it
106. read "writing down the bones"
107. start and complete a 365 day project of some sort
108. make apple butter
109. read at least one book on photography
110. own polka dot rainboots
111. buy or make a letter press
112. do the "wreck a journal" book
113. try the "document a week in the life of" and scrapbook it
114. buy new docs
115. develop our forgotten rolls of film
116. buy a typewriter
117. plan an overnight drinking escapade with 2 certain friends
118. attend a retreat...ideally the "be present, be here" ones...

*closing my eyes...flinging list hard...*
it has been tossed out the universe....
to see