♥ with long, extra long weekends...mine started on thursday
with a trip to moncton with my girl...
which meant two things -
one: i got to spend a full day just hanging out with emma :) :) :)
two: i can cross "drive to moncton" off my bucket list
there were teeny tiny mushrooms and lots and lots of moss...
♥ meatball subs & cherry vanilla dr pepper with my favorite guy
♥ got up early this morning & spot cleaned the house
so that i could go out hiking
guilt free
with one of my best friends...
armed with a hand drawn map, a camera, 1 banana
and a lot of enthusiasm...
we got lost a couple of times...picked up a cute beagle
for a companion for a while,
might have wandered through a christmas tree farm...
definitely trailblazed through a golf course
and one of us peed in the woods.
someone said it's not an adventure til you get lost.
personally, i feel it's not an adventure
until someone cries
in the fetal position
but those might just be my rules.
♥ this kid singing this song...he also does hallelujah
♥ still 3 more days off to look forward to...and sunshine in the forecast!