mooney's pond...
this was not my first time here…
the last time i was here,
it was fall
and i was still married
although things
were starting to fall apart,
i just didn’t really know.
it’s funny how my life is
still divided into
before the separation/
after the separation.
i love this place though.
this spot totally being my favorite,
the sound of rushing water,
the stillness, the calm.
i could have stayed there for a long time.
it is such a beautiful walk through here…
and just the perfect length of time
AND I don’t get lost.
i just wish it wasn’t quite so far away
friday adventures {part one - old rainbow valley}
a couple of weeks ago
i got up and nabbed the car
before my 17 year old son
was even rubbing the sleep
out of his eyes
(it's about the only way i get the car now)
i packed it with my camera,
my phone and bullet journals,
my pencil case,
a can of diet coke and a can of bug spray
and a bag of swedish berries.
i ended up at the old rainbow valley site
in cavendish...
now called cavendish grove
but in my heart
it will always be "where rainbow valley used to be"...
the last time i was there
the trails were just babies...
not developed at all...
i wouldn't even call them a trail,
i would have called them a path...
and a small overgrown path at that.
but now...
now there are real trails.
i did a fairly short one
(um...because partway through the 17 year old
woke up and started texting wondering
when the car would be back...haha)
i am in love with these trails.
you can get right down to cavendish beach!
which, to someone as spatially challenged as me
seemed like complete and utter MAGIC
because i cannot put the beach in relation to
old rainbow valley and in my head
i can't make sense of how i WALKED there...and so fast.
don't try to explain to me...
i prefer to believe the trail are magic.
i came across a little building
that looked like it might have been a church
or related to a church at one time...
and dunes & flowers that are probably really weeds
but still so pretty...
there is a little forest of tall, tall trees...
there was an explanation of what the trees were
but i didn't take a photo of it
and now i forget...
but i was glad i followed the path
into this little clearing...
i can't explain why
but it just felt so quiet and peaceful
and the light was so pretty...
and i could not capture it with my camera,
not the way it felt to me.
i am definitely planning to come back here
when i have more time
(and have fortified myself with something
more than swedish berries & diet coke)
to do the longer trail.
i am pretty sure it said 8.5 kms for that one.
when i left here,
i had full intentions of going straight home
but ended up in north rustico
but that's a post for another day...
even you even made it to the end of this long post!
:) :) :)
friday i'm in love...(the long weekend edition)
♥ with long, extra long weekends...mine started on thursday
with a trip to moncton with my girl...
which meant two things -
one: i got to spend a full day just hanging out with emma :) :) :)
two: i can cross "drive to moncton" off my bucket list
there were teeny tiny mushrooms and lots and lots of moss...
♥ meatball subs & cherry vanilla dr pepper with my favorite guy
♥ got up early this morning & spot cleaned the house
so that i could go out hiking
guilt free
with one of my best friends...
armed with a hand drawn map, a camera, 1 banana
and a lot of enthusiasm...
we got lost a couple of times...picked up a cute beagle
for a companion for a while,
might have wandered through a christmas tree farm...
definitely trailblazed through a golf course
and one of us peed in the woods.
someone said it's not an adventure til you get lost.
personally, i feel it's not an adventure
until someone cries
in the fetal position
but those might just be my rules.
♥ this kid singing this song...he also does hallelujah
♥ still 3 more days off to look forward to...and sunshine in the forecast!