1. This is how I take a lot of photos...by climbing on the roof of my car
balancing myself on the open door. One of these days, this is not going to
end well for me. Because.....
2. I am not that coordinated.
3. Sometimes when something makes me happy and I think no one is
looking, I clap my hands...really hard and really fast. Just for a second or two.
Sometimes I do it in public without thinking...and that's a little embarrassing.
4. I sing in the car. Loud. To everything. (and bonus fact...I can't sing a note.
I sing like I talk...somewhat monotone. Heh.)
and yeah...I love ice cream...like...LOVE ice cream.
5. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 36....but now, I LOVE to drive.
I hate when someone else is driving. I just want to drive all the time...and sing really loud.
I am not sure that that I am a fun driving companion.
if you want to know more about #augustbreak
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