#augustbreak2018 - 5 facts about me
1. This is how I take a lot of photos...by climbing on the roof of my car
balancing myself on the open door. One of these days, this is not going to
end well for me. Because.....
2. I am not that coordinated.
3. Sometimes when something makes me happy and I think no one is
looking, I clap my hands...really hard and really fast. Just for a second or two.
Sometimes I do it in public without thinking...and that's a little embarrassing.
4. I sing in the car. Loud. To everything. (and bonus fact...I can't sing a note.
I sing like I talk...somewhat monotone. Heh.)
and yeah...I love ice cream...like...LOVE ice cream.
5. I didn't get my driver's license until I was 36....but now, I LOVE to drive.
I hate when someone else is driving. I just want to drive all the time...and sing really loud.
I am not sure that that I am a fun driving companion.
if you want to know more about #augustbreak
check it out over here!
you can play along on instagram, facebook or your own blog! :)
tuesday truths at 10:30 pm....
i should have done the dishes.
i should have changed the kitty litter.
i should have put some laundry in the machine.
i should have swept the tumbleweeds of cat fur
out of the corners of the living room.
but the sun was shining.
and the car was home.
and the gas tank was full.
so instead
i went looking for pretty light
and abandoned boats
and dirt roads...
and now my heart feels
satisfied and content
(but also can't wait to go again!)
man-eating snails
or...could also be
about how maybe i tend to exaggerate
for comedic purposes...
as promised yesterday
here is part 2
of my friday-adventure-on-a-holiday-monday
because i know you were sitting on the edge
of your seat refreshing the webpage
just waiting for part two, right? heh.
dirt road #2
as i was leaving fort amherst
i saw this dirt road
and remembered how i told myself
that under no circumstances
were you going to go on dirt roads today...
really...would you be able to say no to THIS dirt road?
it's on a hill!
who KNOWS what could be on the other side!
maybe a candy store...
or a space ship
or a herd of goats
in pajamas
a frigging cool lighthouse
you've never seen before.
(ummmm...it was the lighthouse, if you didn't guess...)
and such a pretty view!
and this....isn't it cute! that roof. ♥♥♥ it's so fairy tale-ish...in a decrepit kind of way...
and where are the non-man-eating snails i promised? you ask
well...next, i came across this place
which is burned into my memory
a) i love love love that broken down wharf
b) i did wedding photos here for the sweetest couple AND
c) we lost the bride's engagement ring on the beach here
and it was horrifying and awful and stressful but then a man
came along & asked us what we were doing
(the whole wedding party and myself on hands and knees
digging in sand frantically) and he offered to go home & get
his metal detector...we went to the reception and this sweet man
FOUND the engagement ring and that's reason #345 235 why i love PEI...
(plus there are no bobcats).
it was fun to climb on
but that's how i noticed the snails...
i saw one at first
but then i realized there were hundreds!
and then...the drive home...
which found me on
dirt road #3...
but i'm so glad i
didn't take my own advice.
and that was the end of another adventure...
i know it was a low blow to trick you with man eating snails...
i hope the pretty dirt roads made up for it.