I haven’t done a friday i’m in love for a bit…
just a few things that I am loving right now
and grateful for.
♥ i have been obsessed with this show “Bonus Family”
It’s Swedish…and ALLLLLLL subtitles
which I actually don’t mind because it means I can’t
scroll mindlessly on my phone while watching it…
but I seriously adore it.
♥ when a friend messages to tell you to look outside your door
and when you do, you find the cutest little tomato and pepper plants!
and then the same friend offers to show you how to make salsa
AND can it or bottle it or whatever it’s called in the fall
and you giggle to yourself because this friend
has no idea what she is getting herself into….hahahaha.
let’s not forget the fact that i once deep fried french fries…
in water….just to give some perspective. Haha.
♥ this. I am not sure what it is about the cello but
i kinda love it…
♥ jumbo mr freezies
♥ sugar cones with ice cream
♥ how green and vibrant the world looks after it rains
♥ listening to the radio loud while working from home
♥ that my favorite ice cream truck is opening up again!
Happy weekend! Hopefully the rain holds off
and if it doesn’t,
hopefully you find a nice dry place
to curl up and watch a movie or read a book or listen to music
that takes you to somewhere nice.
Also…taking recommendations on
any 3 of those things! Heehee.
my new friends. heehee.