Every time my website renews
I suddenly want to blog more in
order to warrant the cost of keeping this space…
so here I am on a Sunday night
writing messages from my bed
and cursing why it is so damn hard
to single space in here when on my tablet and
waiting for the melatonin to kick in…
if you have been here for a bit
you might remember my “creativity jar" idea
where i put a bunch of random ideas on slips of paper
in a jar and then some timeframes & rewards
in other jars
and used this as my theme or idea for the time period listed…
well, i picked a new one today…
i got popcorn as a theme….
this is going to be hard. 😄
but once i started thinking about it,
i was able to come up with a bit of a list of ideas
including some recipes to try
so this could be fun!
and i love that the days are getting longer now.
the sun was still shining at 6:30 pm
so i stopped for an ice cream sundae
on my way home from my mom's…
and i spent time knitting and listening to loud music,
started a new book
and feel like i am going into this week in a good mindset.
happy daylight savings day to you! 🌞