friday i'm in love (the restricted edition)...

Oh. That sounded kinda…
maybe I should have said
the restrictions edition…

It’s Friday night and
I have spend a quiet night
with Iris-the-laptop
editing photos and
going down the
virtual rabbit hole of
heated hair wraps
and drool-worthy artist studios
and listening to
new-to-me music
while eating popcorn
and drinking
caffeine free diet coke
though after today’s debacle
with the amount of sugar
I accidentally ingested,
I realize caffeine may be the
least of my worries. Heh.

Anyway….on to the Friday links of love! ♥


  • THIS. Partly because I have a dad that texts like this.
    and it makes my heart warm & fuzzy every time I
    get a text that ends with “love you. bye-bye.”

  • I know I don’t leave the island much or when I do
    I don’t go too far, but THIS makes me wanna
    pack my suitcase and go exploring.

  • THIS adorable artist….

  • I know THIS is not a new movie but if you
    haven’t seen it, you totally should. I sobbed
    at one point…or maybe 2 points…it was
    sooooooo good.

  • Maybe I’m just feeling a little sappy but
    I feel like I kinda need THIS.

(captain’s log::day three of temporary restrictions complete)

wordless wednesday

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