i feel i should give a disclaimer here
so you can decide
whether or not
you want to
continue reading this post.
there will be pictures.
oodles and oodles of pictures.
it's fall on PEI...
every 3 steps makes you want to stop
and grab your camera.
i am going to try
really, really hard
to control myself...
but i apologize in advance.
(see? I couldn't even get through the
without posting THREE photos already!)
thanksgiving monday
i went for a drive...i had no plan at all...
although i did tell myself
there would be NO dirt roads.
it rained hard the night before
and i did not want to get stuck
dirt road #1 of the day...i listen to myself well.
and after some aimless meandering...
& a couple of middle of the road shots
which the mom in me KNOWS are a bad idea
but i still just can't stop myself
ended up in fort amherst
where i have been once before shooting
wedding photos
but didn't realize that there were trails.
luckily i know now that there is an airport in Charlottetown and will not embarrass myself by ducking and running for cover wondering why no one else is panicking that a plane is OBVIOUSLY going to crash...not that that happened to me before...well...i was only young.
while i was walking through here
i heard a loud noise
right above me...
like the swooping/rustling of giant wings...
the path opens up to a trail that
runs along the beach
but when i looked back
i could see this bird circling overhead
i thought it might be an eagle
and i have always wanted to see one up close
so i went back towards the woods...
but then i was disappointed
because i couldn't see him anymore...
but then
there he was.
perched up on a tree branch about
TEN feet away from me!
i was so excited.
i started taking pictures
and felt all National Geographic
and looked right at me
and suddenly
i started thinking
do eagles attack people?
does it depend on your height?
(don't ask me why i wondered that...
i think it had something to do with thinking
an eagle might carry off a small dog
but not a big dog
hence a short person
but not a tall one...
i can't explain how my brain works).
i quickly moved to a different spot
where i could still see him
but maybe he wouldn't notice me
and texted my husband to see
if he felt that an eagle might attack
a short person
on a trail if he mistook the
clicking noises the camera was making
for a gun instead.
my husband gave his usual answer...
so i walked back to my car
and celebrated surviving my
close encounter with wildlife
by eating the most amazing
s'mores doughnut from tim hortons
that i bought on a whim
but it was SO GOOD.
i'm not sure if it was just the
exhilaration of my narrow escape
from the clutches of a giant bird
that made it taste so good...
or the fact that i was starving...
but it was damn good.
i went other places and took other photos that day
but this post is already way too long
so...i'll show you the man eating snails tomorrow.