tally up saturday...week five...

well...technically...this is sunday...
but whatever....

what have i been doing to be creative everyday
this week?

doodling, writing, knitting, making cd's for my i'm-so-late
cd swap, and gathering more ideas for knitting...

i made this for my new niece's bedroom,
i was pretty happy with it and may make more...
i would like to learn to cut my own letters though.
{i used letters bought from Micheal's}

so many other ideas swirling around....
involving gardening and mushrooms,
paint and glue and fimo and some smurfs...
a couple of robots...a birthday cake....

but right now, i see green grass outside my window
and that makes me want to
go sit on my front step
and welcome spring....

oh...and have also signed up at readwritepoem
for napowrimo...which means that i have
committed to writing a poem every day
for the month of april...
check it out!

poetry thursday...a fragment

i dreamt of you
the night before
the other night...
dreamt we were in a mall
and that you were leaving
with me...
my dad was picking us up.

and i had this feeling of anxiety
about whether or not
you would be
ready to go
when the
time came...
would you have all your stuff,
would you actually leave with me?

and then my dad came
and you were ready,
your bags packed, we were out the door.

only to discover there were not
enough seats in the car for
all of us
to go.

and i remember my stomach falling
and crying and trying so hard
to make it work...what if i sat there
or you sat here but feeling, that all along,
i knew that you couldn't
come back with me.

5 really good things on a wednesday...

-after a week of relaxed rock band playing,
easter egg hunting, full days spent in pajamas,
breakfast at noon if you so choose, march break
fun and excitement for the kids...
we are back to our normal routine.
as much i love the break,
i am a sucker for organization and timeframes.
i work better in those conditions.

-longer days...sunshine...still cold...but brighter.

-eight pausing the rock band game so that i would
be sure to give him a kiss good-bye...

-knowing we just barely squeaked by in getting our
leonard cohen tickets....there were only about 12
seats left when i finally got through by phone...

-and this...this l'il bit of sweetness sent to me by the
adorable and oh-so-talented marianne of applehead.
i LOVE it...really and truly...marianne...you should
be writing and illustrating books....your characters
have so much to say just in their facial expressions!
i especially love the sock on the head page...
thank you for thinking of me!

my inspiration....

a late tally up...{week4}{life list con't}

i did not tally up on saturday
because i had
a really bad day.

and so,
i give you
the life list
part two...

  • photograph all the churches and graveyards where i live
  • take more time to drive and take pictures and write
  • bake bread from scratch
  • move to the country
  • own a hammock
  • learn to use photoshop
  • go back to school
  • be more honest with my friends, be more of "me" around them
  • let at least one "real" person know about my blog
  • write some "real" letters
  • learn more about computers
  • build a tree house
  • make a deal with C and M {childhood best friends} to plan to do one thing a month together, each person can take turns deciding what it is...

and because i'm in a list-y kind of mood....
here are my 5 really good things on a wednesday...
  1. the feeling that bills are finally caught up and the possibility of consolidation loan will really ease our minds....
  2. hearing 8 belting out the words sweet little woman as 12 accompanies him on guitar...{rock band is still a major hit}
  3. reading the constant princess....i can't put it down, actually, i'm almost done and ready to buy the next one...
  4. sun...sun...sun...
  5. the ease and comfortable pace of march break...no lunches, no early morning band practice, no homework!
go see liz...really...go see her...