back to blogland...


we have the internet back!

i am was a headache in the morning,
writing morning pages at lunch,
quickly painting a sign in purple,
charging the camera, buying batteries for the external flash
in case the sun never came out...
getting lost on a dirt road,
photographing 13 very excited teens for their prom...
rushing home with wet feet from tramping around in rain soaked grass for two hours
to quickly get changed, drop the boys off at the pool
and get to the park in time for the next session...
then to get groceries
eat a little
edit a little
and now...yawning a lot...

i'm done out and it's only 10:03...
happy saturday!

Listen here, life.

I am trying.

I am trying to be upbeat and see the bright side
I really am.

But could you give me just a small break...

{and at the same time I am writing this, I am aware
Of all the good in my life...
I am healthy, my husband loves me,
I have two healthy happy sweet funny kind understanding kids...
I have a job I love, safety and security and a home....
I am not unaware...I am thankful and appreciative...}

{this post no longer
feels like it needs to be written.
I think I have been given many breaks....
Low on money, short of Internet and dead car batteries
no longer seem to be important enough to negotiate about
when I consider all that I do have...}

Never mind....I take it is good.

creativity bootcamp...

creativity bootcamp..., originally uploaded by gkgirl.
where have i been
what have i been doing
who am i now
compared to who i was yesterday,
a week ago,
two weeks ago...
a year ago

have i changed
am i new
am i improved
am i growing
am i ok with who i am
am i proud of who i am


i think i am.

i am sitting in a little cafe right now
typing in the corner
as always
but full of words.

i have been doing the creativity bootcamp
borrowing internet when and where i can...
i am almost at the end of the natalie goldberg book
{am i repeating myself, i don't even know anymore...}
i will be sad to see it end {and if i have said that before,
it bears repeating...}

i apologize for the randomness of this...
i don't know when i will have computer access again
so i am trying to jam it all in to one rambling session of confession.

i did the page above after a prompt from the creativity bootcamp
to get messy, to get dirty, to get down and out and under the covers...
ok...i made that up, but it did say to get messy.

Lost connections....

I haven't been here much lately
And I miss it....
We are without an Internet connection again
So I have to make due
With finding wireless where I can
And in my small town
This is no easy feat....

But I am here.

I have been reading Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down The Bones
And I
In love.

I have been writing like a maniac.

And today was the beginning of the e-course I signed up for
Creativity Spring Bootcamp....
(you can find the link in my sidebar...
This is so much harder to do on my iPad!!)

Anyhow...this is where I am,
This is what my life is today...
It is good and hard
Up and slightly down
Exciting and pushing me out of my comfort zone
In many many ways....