Sleepovers and other adventures…

One of my most favorite parts of summer is when friends come home to visit…

Sleepovers in a pretty little cottage down a red dirt road….

New potatoes, food done on the bbq…giggles and teasing and so many hugs and exclamations of “you should just move home!”

Then a day spent adventuring (yes, that’s a verb….heehee) all over the east end of the island…

Basin Head with stunning red cliffs and singing sands (where the braver of us jumped…not this little non-swimming chicken though…heehee)

Lunch on the deck…conversations with strangers….dropping my bank card off the railing making me have to embarrassingly shimmy over the rail and drop to the ground to get it…oh…and the chicken fingers? 5 outa 5!

A trip to Greenwich…ohhhh, that floating bridge and the giant dunes…sigh…and even better was going with friends who had never seen it before and seeing their excitement and awe.

And, of course, we HAD to finish the day with ice cream…someone in the group may have pushed hard for Truckin’ Roll

And it did NOT disappoint. 😊 I had the Raspberry Rodeo this time…

Next on my list is the blackberry one.

Yeah….I am a little bit excited…heehee…

Raspberry Rodeo….oh my sugar coated heart…

This weekend was exactly what I needed. Go explore! Reconnect with old friends! Eat suckers for breakfast!

(Actually maybe don’t listen to me when it comes to food…heehee)