wordless wednesday
wordless wednesday - looking back
Not a true wordless wednesday
as you are now reading
but I just wanted to say
that I have been planning
an off island adventure
again for this summer
and that made me think about
last summer’s first ever solo adventure
and how frigging fun that was
and so I thought I would share
some of the photos
from the trip to
Hopewell Rocks, Cape Enrage
and, oddly enough, Truro…
(I tend to operate without a map
or a plan…)
I can’t WAIT to do this again.
If you have any suggestions on
where a girl who doesn’t like
a lot of traffic and crazy intersections
but does like nature
and trains and rabbits and deer
and breathtaking views
should go, let me know!!! :)
Ok….this really isn’t going to be wordless.
I have to say that when I look at these photos,
they take me right back to that moment.
I had gotten to the place that I was going to stay at
and I was full of nervousness and doubt and fear
and anxiety…wondering if I should have done this,
wondering if I should just go home.
I checked into the Inn…and then I went for a drive…
a random drive…that took me down this little hilly road
and I saw cows.
And I felt like I was home. Safe.
I recognized this. I felt calmer.
I could do this.
I could just explore THIS area
just like I explore at home…
This was the moment.
The shift.
The second I realized
hold on….this is fun!
Instead of anxiety,
I felt exhilaration.
Instead of fear,
I felt curious.
And then I found a restaurant that
served chicken fingers & the waitress
teased me about my salt consumption
and I ran out in the street to shoot a rainbow
and felt like I was at home again.
wordless wednesday - the yummy edition....
wordless wednesday (the catching-up-on-2021's-editing-mix)
(captain’s log::day eight of temporary restrictions complete)