I have wanted
purple converse
for as long as I can remember.
They were on
countless lists-of-things-i-absolutely-must-have
from about grade 10 on…
(along with a Far West jacket,
double tape deck and a CD walkman)
(oh and a pink telephone
that came with a LOCK
for in my room)
Everything I wore
in high school
was purple…
shoes, tank tops, sweaters,
socks, hair bows…
my binders, my duotangs, my pens…
the marker I used to
write Billy Idol Rulez
and I ♥ Prince
on every desk I sat at
was purple
(that’s how I always got caught).
I started a vision board
and one of the first things
on it was purple converse.
A couple days later,
they showed up
in my facebook ads…
(likely because I printed
a photo of them for my board,
not just because they were ON my board…)
but they were on sale…
and for once, I had the money for them
so I thought
well…that’s a big enough sign.
So I bought them.
And they came today. :)
Now I just need the snow to go away.