april is
national poetry month.
i have been thinking
about it a lot
but not really doing
anything about it…
and today i decided
it was time.
i looked back at some
old blog entries
from when
poetry thursday
used to be
a regular bloggy kinda thing
and it was funny
that the first one i read
mentioned a herd of turtles
(and if you know me,
you know that also
means my dad.) ♥
in typical geeky girl fashion
i am made a list of
things i might like to do
this month
in honor of poetry…
and also have started making
a list of poets
i would like to check out.
*sidenote: I really feel
like the artist way book readings
and doing the morning pages
might be really working….
that and the change in weather.
that always gets me fired up with new ideas.
so expect to see more about poetry
the rest of this month over here.
(also i just renewed payment for this site
which always reminds me that