i don’t know why
but daylight savings weekend
always makes me incredibly happy.
the days are getting longer.
spring is coming.
i am like a plant…i need light
to survive,
to grow,
to thrive.
without it
i just want to sleep
bundled up in blankets…
i want to cocoon and nest,
hibernate and burrow.
but when the days start getting longer
i feel like i am ready to shed
those layers
and suddenly i start to find energy
that has been missing
throughout the cold dark winter months.
it’s a damn good feeling.
i took the dog for a walk in the park today
and let him off his leash
and watched him run with abandon
(well, with as much abandon as his short little
pug legs will let him go in deep snow)
and the warmth on my face
made me feel like stretching
into the sunshine
awake again finally.