i have not been here in a while...
good intentions
but life is starting to get busy again
but this was a good weekend.
i shot my first wedding of my last season of weddings
which i think i keep repeating
to make myself get used to saying that...
my LAST season.
this is it.
which is both liberating and bittersweet sad.
the wedding was beautiful.
and the fact that it was my sweet cousin getting married
just added icing to the sweet sunny day.
they had an outdoor wedding in my aunt & uncle's backyard
and i can't wait to post photos of how
that yard turned out.
it literally took my breath away.
and because it was family,
it meant i got to sit with my parents and
another aunt & uncle for the meal
which was so awesome.
that guy i love <3
and today was father's day...which
meant the building of a new bbq
and a subsequent meal cooked on the new bbq...
a new deck chair complete with it's own cooler
and a harmonica.
it's been a great weekend...
i'm sad to see it come to an end.