WARNING: This post contains an unacceptable overload of kitten cuteness....

Please proceed with caution.

We are not responsible for any thoughts of
”getting a kitten” as a result of this post and actually
would like to point out that
MOST of the time
these kittens are quite possibly the spawn of satan
and are able to cause more damage and destruction
than one would believe
if one did not live it
every. single. day.

But…this is how they trick you into thinking they are
sweet and docile.

Well played, hell-cats, well played.

“wait! i’m cute too!”
*if pugsley could hack my blog….

sundays come too soon.... nablopomo day 15


  • kittens that lick my cheek early in the morning and sleep on my husband's chest
  • a good chunk of editing out of the way...went from 19288 to 14483
  • a decision made late last night that has been weighing on my mind for a long time...and now that i have said it loud, I feel a little lighter.
  • a husband/best friend that listens and lets me vent and obsess and rant...and gets outraged at all the right places...and then strokes my hair and says "#*$% them...who cares about them".
  • mighty ceaser salad dressing
  • coffee dates
  • catching up onNashville while editing
  • caramel lattes in the tassimo

and in light of everything that feels like it is going on/wrong with the world, i am grateful for where i am, grateful for my little island...my heart breaks for the uncertainty in the world...

Boo! Halloween Grinches & Pugosaurs! & itty bitty kittens...

it's Halloween here in the big orange house
where i am the world's worst procrastinator
and feel like the Halloween Grinch...
ran out at 4:35 to buy candy
then publicly complained about buying said candy
cause we don't usually get many kids...

but also stuffed poor pugsley into his dinosaur costume
and took him out into the front yard
armed with treats and the camera
for a mini pug-photo session...

isn't he the cutest happiest looking pug EVER?!?

and here we have the rarely seen pugosaurus...famous for bulgy eyes and adorable but extremely dangerous snaggletooth

i also tried to stuff the kittens into a knitted pumpkin hat
but they were having none of it.

and now it's almost 7:30 and just about done for another year...
where i'll vow that next year i will do better,
i will be better prepared and the house will be terrifying
and we will make candy apples and robotic spiders
that leap at you and cobwebs hanging from the trees..

but chances are
i'll be playing the procrastinator again
and trying to jam two cats into a pumpkin
and pugsley into a wonder woman costume.