sundays come too soon.... nablopomo day 15


  • kittens that lick my cheek early in the morning and sleep on my husband's chest
  • a good chunk of editing out of the way...went from 19288 to 14483
  • a decision made late last night that has been weighing on my mind for a long time...and now that i have said it loud, I feel a little lighter.
  • a husband/best friend that listens and lets me vent and obsess and rant...and gets outraged at all the right places...and then strokes my hair and says "#*$% them...who cares about them".
  • mighty ceaser salad dressing
  • coffee dates
  • catching up onNashville while editing
  • caramel lattes in the tassimo

and in light of everything that feels like it is going on/wrong with the world, i am grateful for where i am, grateful for my little heart breaks for the uncertainty in the world...

counting crows 2015

wednesday i went to moncton
with my 2 childhood best friends
to see the counting crows...

a day spent shopping,
eating New York Fries (which we don't have on PEI)
and giggling...
followed by the main event
the concert at the casino
which is a great venue...

they opened with round here
and, although they didn't play sullivan street,
it was fantastic...
he sounds so good live...the exact same as you would imagine he would sound...

and the guy behind us
who sang enthusiastically to every song
totally made my night.

photos & video were taken with my phone so grainy
but still couldn't resist...momentos of a great night with best friends.