goalsetter... {nablopomo day 22}

if you know me, even a little, you will know
i am a list maker...
i have an app on my phone
just for lists.
lists like:

  • Pick up
  • Groceries
  • Car
  • Movies to watch
  • Movies i have watched
  • Movies i would watch again
  • Finances
  • Music i love
  • Holidaze
  • Books i want to read
  • Books i have read
  • i want i want i want
  • Blog-about
  • Lunch ideas
  • Sizes
  • Things i want to know more about
  • Winter bucket list
  • I want to::

and that's just what is currently on there.  :)
i also keep lists in my day-timer...first...and most importantly is "yay!"
where i post little things that happen during the week that make me smile
like finding a parking spot on a thursday morning or seeing a tiny flock of birds

and last week i added a special note to myself...
a reminder to calm down.  to breathe.  to let go. 
and some ideas of what to do INSTEAD of working for
at least a little bit of the night...(and seriously when i read that...that sounds kind of sad.)
and, for the record, there are stickers...cause...well...they are stickers!

you will notice...i forgot to call my mother. 

but mainly for the really important things...
like dinner dates with best friends <3

so...all this is to say that I am adding a new line to the Goals list for this week.
last week was all nablopomo and calm the eff down
(seriously, that's what it said.  calm the eff down.)

told you

told you

but this week, i am adding walking...
and eating right again.  but walking...I have to got to get back to doing something
other than sitting in a computer chair.
so i have made a commitment.
it's in the daytimer
so it's pretty much set in stone (it is written in pen)(and not the erasable one).

wish me luck.

oh...and a kitten pic...cause...how can i not post that cuteness.

friday i'm in love....

sweet, sunny friday...
i'm still a little uneasy about my little girl who has gone away
but she has been awesome
about texting me frequently, which makes it so much easier for me
she knows what i'm like...

this is what it is like to live in my head.
she texted me when they called them to board the plane,
she texted me when they landed,
she texted me when she found her luggage,
she texted me that she was at swiss chalet drinking long island iced tea,
she texted me when her friend found her,
she texted me when they got to her friend's house.

the next morning, i texted her to ask her if things were good
she replied yep...

i start thinking...that was a short answer.
how do i know it was her...and come to think of it,
the last text she sent me last night was pretty short...
what if it isn't her...what if someone abducted her...and now they
are just answering her phone to buy more time,
to not raise suspicion...

see for yourself....proof of my jump-to-conclusions-brain

so now...that i know that she is all right...ordering from pizza pizza and hanging out

friday i'm in love...

Inside Out::PIXAR
ladies and gentleman, it's the MUPPETS!!!!!!
these crispy salt & pepper-y chips...i'm addicted...weight loss plan be damned!
catching up on grey's anatomy...sigh
google forms...how did i not know about this!  seriously, so awesome...and seriously, i am such a geek.  I used this to create a new questionnaire for my wedding clients...and it was so sweet! 
seriously, seriously contemplating letting my formerly black hair go silver...this pinterest board is enough to make me commit
and on the same note, if i can be just like her when i grow up, i am totally looking forward to it!

Happy Friday!!!!!