sundays come too soon.... nablopomo day 15


  • kittens that lick my cheek early in the morning and sleep on my husband's chest
  • a good chunk of editing out of the way...went from 19288 to 14483
  • a decision made late last night that has been weighing on my mind for a long time...and now that i have said it loud, I feel a little lighter.
  • a husband/best friend that listens and lets me vent and obsess and rant...and gets outraged at all the right places...and then strokes my hair and says "#*$% them...who cares about them".
  • mighty ceaser salad dressing
  • coffee dates
  • catching up onNashville while editing
  • caramel lattes in the tassimo

and in light of everything that feels like it is going on/wrong with the world, i am grateful for where i am, grateful for my little heart breaks for the uncertainty in the world...