whatcha readin'? {goal 35 - books 16-20}

Because this worked so well already,
I have decided to share the next 5 books
I read in post instead of numerous posts….
keeping it simple in December.
Can’t go wrong with that.

I really enjoyed this book. It was fast paced and interesting providing two points of view and lots of stuff to make you think, especially about what you (and by you, I mean me) might take for granted without even realizing.

Well worth the read.

5♥’s out of 5♥’s

I was very excited about this book.

I had loved the first book I read by this author (Daisy Jones & the Six) and this one did not disappoint me at all! Lots of secrets and intrigue
and trying to figure out who was who and
what was what…I really enjoyed this (not quite as much as Daisy Jones) but look forward to reading more by Taylor Jenkins Reid.

4 ♥’s out of 5 ♥’s

“Meaning is not found in the material realm - dinner, jazz, cocktails, conversation,
or whatever. Meaning is what is left when everything else is stripped away.”

Read this book. It will put your life in perspective.

5♥’s out of 5 ♥’s

I love Kate Quinn’s books and this one did not disappoint.

Set in 1940, with strong women characters and a bit of a mystery
and intrigue…secrets, code-breaking, war…so worth the read.

5 ♥’s out of 5 ♥’s

While I enjoyed the writing in this book, some of the subject matter
hit too close to home for me to be objective.

But a good read nonetheless! I really did enjoy the writing
and the story carried me along effortlessly.

5♥’s out of 5♥’s